My name is Carl Baker and I am your Palm Club Village III Home Owners Association President.
We now have a web site to better inform you on what is going on in our community. We will keep this site updated, with summaries of what is going on, HOA meeting minutes and what Tri-Palm, the organization that is made of Board members from each of the three Villages is doing.
If you want to contact the Board, our email address is: [email protected]
Any email sent to that address will go to the entire Board and the Property Manager.
If you need to contact the Property Management Company directly, that would be Kathy Salata at: [email protected]
Our normal HOA Board meeting is the third Monday of the month in the Village I clubhouse at 7:00 PM and could be subject to change. Meeting notice sign are put out on the Friday or Saturday prior to the meeting. We have plenty of seats in the clubhouse and we always like to see new faces.
In the past several months I have had conversations with two different realtors and a home owner that was selling to go North and all told me about the same thing. They love this community because it is neat, orderly and well kept. To those of you reading this note: THANK YOU. You are the ones that make such comments possible.
In order to keep such positive comments coming (and keep our property values where they should be) a few comments from the Board.
• Please keep your garbage cans and recycling bins under wraps. Those go to the street the evening before pick up. Please pick them up and put them away when you come home the next day. By saying “put them away” we mean, put then away to where your neighbors walking down the sidewalk in the evening cannot see them. Otherwise, things quickly start to look “trashy.”
• Thursday is the pickup day for yard trimming, the palm fronds, etc. It is not the time to dump your old cabinets and toilet from a kitchen remodeling on top of the palm fronds. Despite whatever you may have been thinking, we guarantee that trash will not get picked up.
• There have been several instances of severe “hat racking” of trees. If you see someone starting to do it, please go have a talk with them before they reach the point of no return. Do you really want to look at that butchery every day for the next year.
We encourage you to visit each section of our site where you will find valuable information.